What is a Ketogenic diet?
A Ketogenic(keto) diet, is where the majority of calories eaten are consumed as fat.Ketosis
Knowing how to eat Keto-friendly foods, and knowing what a Ketogenic diet is, are two different things. This article is written to help you understand, what you can do, and more importantly, why.
Why should I try it?
There are a number of reasons that you may want to try Keto.Energy Levels
The nature of the diet is extremely low carbohydrate, and because carbs trigger a massive burst of insulin, your blood sugar levels wont be riding a daily rollercoaster. As such, you will have a much, much more stable energy level throughout the day.Weight Loss
If you are looking to trim down, a keto diet can be a great choice. The reason being, is the fat consumed. Fat takes a long time to burn, and is very, very satiating (leaves you feeling content and not hungry). This means you will feel fuller faster, and for longer periods, and in return you eat less.Becoming Fat Adapted
To keep things short, and save repetition, a few benefits of being fat adapted areWhen you don’t eat, or intentionally fast, your body will burn stored fat with ease. You’ll have a constant, and probably higher than regular, energy level. When you do store fat, it will be in the right areas.
How can I eat Keto?
The easiest way to do this, is to remove carbs from your diet, unless you need them, and replace those calories with fat. A Keto diet is most generally considered when you eatI find that the APP (phone), "My Fitness Pal", tracks Macro Nutrients! It is so EASY to use! Try it!
- 65% to 75% daily calories from fat
- 20% to 30% daily calories from protein
- 5% daily calories from carbs
The actual amount of calories required varies greatly person to person, so you’ll need to experiment to find what works for you. At large, most people aim for no more than 20—50g of carbs in any one day, closer to 20g, and indeed less, when initially adjusting.
You can enter Ketosis
Ketosis is a state in which there are a heightened level of Ketones in the body, which is associated with an abnormally high fat metabolism rate. Simply, your body is most reliant on fat and burns it as its primary fuel source.Note: Ketones are the byproduct of burning fat for fuel. The 30% protein mentioned before, is to ensure your body isn’t breaking down muscle for sustenance.
Tags: keto macros, ketogenesis, ketogenic diet, ketosis
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