You will need: organic honey, vitamin e capsule or drops, essential oil, beeswax, coconut oil
Why honey:
Honey is a natural humectant, which means it attracts and holds onto water molecules.
Why vitamin E:
Full of antioxidants, vitamin E can neutralize the effect of free radicals that damage healthy skin cells and lead to dryness.
Why essential oil :
I like to steer clear of fragrances when it comes to my lip balm, but if you like you can add in a few drops of your favorite scent.
Why Beeswax:
Beeswax can act as an emollient (moisturizer) as well as protect your lips from the elements, but the most important role it plays is that it is what gives your lip balm its stiffness and body so that it can be easily transported and applied.
Why coconut oil:
Coconut oil will not coat and smother your skin like petroleum based products, and moisturizes deep down. Its fatty acids hold onto moisture, and can help reinforce the skins lipid (fat) layer, which promoted hydration.
You will need:
- 1 tablespoon grated beeswax or beeswax pastilles
- 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
- A little bit of organic raw honey
- Vitamin E: 2 Capsules or 5-10 Drops
- 5 - 10 drops of essential oil (Lavender & Tea Tree, Lemon, Frankincense your choice)
How to mix:
In a double boiler, melt down the beeswax, adding in the coconut oil and honey when about half of the beeswax is no longer solid. After it’s all melted and blended together, stir in the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules or 5 - 10 drops. Pour into container or a tube and let cool. Apply as needed-but not in excess. Resist! There can always be too much of a good thing.
Keep a Look Out!
The main culprits in chapstick or lip balm that can make your lips dry out even more include camphor, phenol, and menthol, which can lead your lips to ultimately cracking though they feel cool and refreshing. Then there is OL, as its listed on ingredients, which basically means alcohol, which dries out quickly. Finally theres salicylic acid, which is added to help flake off dry skin, but it can just leave you with lips that peel even more (I use homemade lip exfoliator for helping the dry skin instead.)
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